The Journey Forward is no longer providing client services at this time.  Please visit the  website to connect with a HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency in your area to meet your financial and housing counseling needs.

The Journey Forward is no longer providing client services at this time.  Please visit the  website to connect with a HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency in your area to meet your financial and housing counseling needs.

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It is a struggle to budget during challenging financial times. Join this webinar to learn strategies in managing financial obligations, budgeting, and determining financial priorities when money is tight. Money management is different during times of crisis and your regular budget may need to be refined to meet your financial priorities during a time of crises. You will also learn about social service support systems that can aide you during your time of crisis. Offerings range from the most basic such as a local food pantry to something more formal like government assistance programs. These strategies are necessary to allow you to reallocate funds to a more critical budgetary category during times of crisis. Attendees will learn the importance of developing an emergency budget that strips down expenses to the bare necessities with a focus on basic needs. Register in advance for this webinar: Register Now One day prior to the webinar, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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