The Journey Forward is no longer providing client services at this time.  Please visit the  website to connect with a HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency in your area to meet your financial and housing counseling needs.

The Journey Forward is no longer providing client services at this time.  Please visit the  website to connect with a HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency in your area to meet your financial and housing counseling needs.

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Are you facing a financial set-back? Come to our workshop to learn about your options to keep your home and avoid foreclosure; or, if homeownership is no longer desirable or financially realistic, learn about your options. This workshop explains the foreclosure process in Illinois and explores financial options and help that’s available to homeowners. The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) is providing financial assistance through the Illinois Homeowner Assistance Fund Grant (ILHAF) for homeowners financially impacted due to COVID 19. The HAF Grant application and steps are explained in this webinar.

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